Office Etiquette

6 Common Office Etiquette Mistakes to Avoid

Whether you’re new to the workforce or you’ve been in your job for years, having good office etiquette is essential to your professional success. Learn about the 6 Common Office Etiquette Mistakes to Avoid to improve your workplace relationships.

It’s generally not a good idea to microwave fish for lunch in an open office, and you should definitely not cough or sneeze in front of colleagues. Other workplace etiquette mistakes include talking too much, interrupting and not showing up on time.

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1. Eating Smelly Food

Eating smelly food at work can be distracting to co-workers and make them uncomfortable. It’s a good idea to avoid eating foods that give off strong odors at work and if you must, leave it in your locker or eat it before leaving the office, according to USA Today.

Similarly, coughing and sneezing at your desk can distract colleagues and make them worry that they might catch something. Collaborating and chatting with co-workers is fine, but be sure to cover up with a handkerchief or use disinfectant when you’re feeling sick.

If you notice that a colleague is offending other employees, consider privately talking to them about their behavior. Be polite and gentle when addressing the issue to prevent hurt feelings.

2. Coughing and Sneezing

A key part of office etiquette is not spreading germs around the workplace. Covering up sneezing and coughing sounds and wiping down surfaces like computers, keyboards and light switches with hand sanitizer is an effective way to prevent the spread of these harmful bacteria.

It may seem obvious after the coronavirus pandemic, but it is still polite to call in sick if you are feeling unwell. Rest is critical to staying healthy and productive, so let your boss know that you are sick and request working from home or remotely.

Having a coworker that lacks proper office etiquette can have a negative impact on the whole team. It is important to address the issue directly and kindly, while also setting expectations that need to be met in the future.

3. Taking Personal Phone Calls

In an open office environment, personal calls can easily distract other employees. Instead, if you need to take a personal call at work, keep your door closed or go somewhere private like the break room or outside of the building to make your call.

Another common etiquette mistake is gossiping about co-workers, which can be viewed as unprofessional and may damage someone’s career.

Rather than gossiping, if you know of an employee who is constantly interrupting others or engaging in other inappropriate behaviors, try addressing the issue privately with them to correct the behavior. This will show you care and respect your co-workers.

4. Interrupting

Most of us interrupt others at work from time to time, but if you find yourself constantly interrupting colleagues this can hurt your career. Whether in meetings or one-on-one conversations, it’s important to listen attentively and not jump in until it’s your turn to speak.

Also, if you’re in an open office environment it can be helpful to use headphones so your music doesn’t distract other people working around you.

Interrupting is particularly harmful when it happens to people in higher leadership positions. It can lead to a vicious cycle where those who are interrupted talk less and gain less visibility and access to career-advancing projects, opportunities, and promotions.

5. Talking Too Much

Talking too much at work is a mistake nearly all 9-5ers are guilty of making at some point. It’s not that there is something wrong with talking, but if you constantly dominate conversation and cut off co-workers, it can be annoying to your peers.

Avoid this office etiquette faux pas by being curious about your colleagues and listening with the intent to understand, not to respond. This will help prevent you from spending the majority of a conversation talking about yourself and will make others feel less frustrated by your chattiness.

6. Not Showing Up on Time

It’s best to be punctual to meetings, as it shows that you respect other people and their time. If you think you might be late, email ahead and give someone a heads up so they can plan accordingly.

It’s also important to limit personal phone calls, especially if you work in a shared space that doesn’t have doors, and not interrupt others. Following proper office etiquette will help you make friends, get promoted, and advance in your career. Don’t let small mistakes ruin your reputation and erode relationships.

Be the professional you know you are! Stay tuned for more blog posts. We’ll share more tips and tricks to help you be the most well-mannered person in the room!